Transportation Impact Analyses for Site Development

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Institute of Transportation Engineers - Transportation Impact Analyses for Site Development

    Transportation Impact Analyses for Site Development: An ITE Recommended Practice, RP-020D was approved in 2010 as a recommended practice of ITE. It supersedes the proposed recommended practice, Transportation Impact Analyses for Site Development: An ITE Proposed Recommended Practice, RP-020C, dated December 2005. The comment period on the proposed recommended practice closed on April 30, 2006. Comments on the proposed recommended practice have been incorporated into this document.

    This report also replaces the recommended practice adopted by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) in 1991 (Traffic Access and Impact Studies for Site Development: A Recommended Practice). It was developed in accordance with formally adopted ITE procedures that are designed to help ensure that a representative cross-section of parties is given an opportunity to provide input.

    It should be noted that this report provides guidelines, not an exclusive set of acceptable procedures. It is not expected that all items or issues contained in this recommended practice will be required in every study. Items to include will vary by conditions, local requirements, the size and complexity of development and other factors. It is considered important that there be latitude for addressing unique situations on a case-by-case basis. New procedures for predicting transportation needs and impacts should also be considered as they are developed and validated.

    This report describes the key elements required for preparing and reviewing transportation impact studies for new and expanding land developments. It has been prepared for use by practicing traffic/transportation engineers and planners, including public agency reviewers involved in the development approval process.

    It is intended that the material in this report be used as guidelines for conducting transportation impact studies and that local policies and priorities also be considered. It is not intended that this report be formally adopted as a whole or otherwise be used as an exclusive set of acceptable procedures.

    Furthermore, not all analyses described in this report will be required for each study. Applicable analyses should be determined in an initial meeting or discussion between the study preparer and the agency reviewer. Only those analyses needed to address issues relevant to the proposed development, its site and vicinity and current and anticipated traffic conditions should be required.

    It is also considered important that there be latitude for addressing unique situations on a case-by-case basis. New procedures for predicting transportation needs and impacts should also be considered as they are developed and validated.

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  • ugaret
    LifeTime Premium
    • Oct 2018 
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