السلام عليكم
مجموعة فرش المحيط
22 فرشة احترافية
حجم الملف 65MB
الرابط مباشر للاعضاء
مجموعة فرش المحيط
22 فرشة احترافية
22 High Quality Ocean Photoshop Brushes.
These are from pictures I’ve taken while on vacation. I thought they looked pretty nice as brushes so I decided to share!
Inside you will find 22 2500px .png files ready to go on transparent layer.
.abr file containing the 22 photoshop brushes
Read Me for those that might not know how to install
These are from pictures I’ve taken while on vacation. I thought they looked pretty nice as brushes so I decided to share!
Inside you will find 22 2500px .png files ready to go on transparent layer.
.abr file containing the 22 photoshop brushes
Read Me for those that might not know how to install
حجم الملف 65MB
الرابط مباشر للاعضاء