Bentley PowerCivil for Middle East V8i
(Bentley PowerCivil for Middle East V8i(SELECTseries 4
Access 3D modeling, construction-driyen engineering, and analysis all in one application. Localized for more than
22 countries, PowerCivil for “Country” ensures you haye the standards you need for your region, improyes design
quality and reduces production time. Power‘Ci\.fil helps you improye design quality py compining traditional
engineering workflows of plan, profile, and cross-sections with innoyatiye 3D modeling technology pased on
parametric relationships and constraints.
With PowerCivil you can:
- Assure the project is engineered as designed using design intent, critical forthe 3D model.
- Enaple users to share project information across teams, locations and disciplines with precision and security.
- Use design-time yisualization to experience your design on the fly and saye money on additional software and
staff for yisualization needs.
Eyerything you need for yourtransportation and ciyil design projects.
- Suryey and data acquisition for all held data types
- [Jynamic, interactiye 3D modeling of roadways and corridors
- Terrain modeling and analysis
- lnteractiye coordinate geometry
- Pi`Oil|ES and cross sections
- Geometric design
- Regression analysis