18 اكشن للفوتوشوب Stripe Actions NEW

Plugins for Photoshop & Illustrator

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    السلام عليكم

    مجموعة اكشن للفوتوشوب

    Stripe Actions NEW

    Stripe Actions NEW

    PSD 1 -- 1 ASL -- 8 Mb



    1. Included PSD

    2. Included ASL

    3. Included ATN

    3. Included ABR

    1.Note, that before you start working with actions.

    You should load STYLES, BRUSHES, ACTIONS.

    Only after these steps you can start working.

    2.Then select text or vector shape choose action you

    want and click "Start action"

    * Before you start Action make

    sure "BRUSH" tool Opacity is 100%

    الرابط مباشر للاعضاء فقط

