Site Engineers Manual
Quality, safety, completion on time and profitability are essential ingredients of a successful contract. Provided these targets are met then both client and contractor will be satisfied.

Much has been written on the need for quality assurance (QA). For many, the means to achieve satisfactory quality has become unnecessarily synonymous with excessive bureaucracy typified by overburdening paperwork. It is unfortunate that little emphasis has been placed on the need for well-educated, trained and dedicated
people to achieve these objectives.
The term quality assurance has been used in recent times to describe the manage-ment process by which appropriate quality can be achieved. Definitions proliferate.
Quality, safety, completion on time and profitability are essential ingredients of a successful contract. Provided these targets are met then both client and contractor will be satisfied.

Much has been written on the need for quality assurance (QA). For many, the means to achieve satisfactory quality has become unnecessarily synonymous with excessive bureaucracy typified by overburdening paperwork. It is unfortunate that little emphasis has been placed on the need for well-educated, trained and dedicated
people to achieve these objectives.
The term quality assurance has been used in recent times to describe the manage-ment process by which appropriate quality can be achieved. Definitions proliferate.