PLAXIS Monopile Designer CONNECT Edition V22 Update 2

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  • Saadedin
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    PLAXIS Monopile Designer CONNECT Edition V22 Update 2

    The PLAXIS development team is pleased to announce the availability of PLAXIS Monopile Designer CONNECT Edition V22 Update 2 is a software package intended for the design of monopiles asfoundation elements for offshore wind turbines under lateral loading conditions.

    New releases: PLAXIS CONNECT Edition V22 Update 2
    With the latest release of PLAXIS 2D, PLAXIS 3D, and PLAXIS Monopile Designer, we continue to add functionality to make PLAXIS easier to use for rock and mining engineers, offer workflow improvements for Leapfrog Geo & Works interoperability and expand the automation capabilities for PLAXIS Monopile Designer.

    PLAXIS Monopile Designer

    Built-in rule-based models
    With the latest update, the published PISA rule-based models (Cowden till, Bothkennar clay, and General Dunkirk sand) are built into PLAXIS Monopile Designer and ready to be used at the click of a button. This removes the need to manually generate and import input files and accelerates the analysis cycle. You can now get to rule-based design results in a matter of minutes.

    Python scripting API - 3D Verification
    The design of foundations for offshore wind requires thousands of calculations. The new Python scripting API for PLAXIS Monopile Designer enables these automated workflows. In V22 Update 2, the functionality of the Python scripting API is extended to also include 3D design verification models. You can now write combined scripts, calling on PLAXIS Monopile Designer and PLAXIS 3D to automate the generation, modification, calculation, and comparison of results between 1D and 3D analyses.

    Fixed issues
    A large number of issues have been addressed, including:
    - [905575] Corrected moment value in the symmetrical 3D Design verification case

    PLAXIS Monopile Designer (formerly PLAXIS MoDeTo) introduces an enhanced design method for monopile foundations. It transfers the results of the PISA Joint Industry Research Project to daily engineering practice. PLAXIS Monopile Designer enables dramatic reductions in the amount of steel of each monopile and, as such, in the overall costs of any wind farm. It can be used as a stand-alone tool for the rule-based design method and in connection with PLAXIS 3D for the numerical-based design method.

    Bentley Systems is a software development company that supports the professional needs of those responsible for creating and managing the world’s infrastructure.

    Owner: Bentley Systems Inc.
    Product Name: PLAXIS
    Version: Monopile Designer CONNECT Edition V22 Update 2 (
    Supported Architectures: x64
    Language: english
    System Requirements: Windows *
    Size: 1.0 Gb

    PLAXIS Monopile Designer CONNECT Edition V22 Update 2 | 1.0 Gb



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