Autocad Civil 3d 2017 extensions and add-ons

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    Autocad Civil 3d 2017 extensions and add-ons

    Autodesk® Bridge Module 2017

    The Autodesk® Bridge Module 2017 enables users to create bridge models based on critical geometry in Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D corridor models and existing ground surfaces. Users can also create AutoCAD Civil 3D alignments and profiles from key bridge strings such as bottom of lowest girder or top of barrier. Finally, users can quickly transition bridge parameters created in the AutoCAD Civil 3D version of this Bridge Modeler into the Autodesk® Revit® Bridge Modeling extension (REX) where additional modeling can be accomplished.

    Supported bridge types include:

    •Girder (steel or concrete girders)

    •Concrete slab

    •Concrete box girder

    •Continuous curved girder

    Bridge elements include:

    •Abutments, piers, and bearings

    •Bridge decks, barriers, and roadways

    Bridge parameters based on the AutoCAD Civil 3D model including:

    •Bridge width and cross slope based on thecorridor model

    •Pier and abutment height and clearance parameters based on the AutoCAD Civil 3D terrain model

    •Ability to create AutoCAD Civil 3D alignments and profiles from bridge strings.

    •Unique bridge modeling workflow that spans AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017 and Autodesk Revit 2017 (Bridge Modeling REX).


    Autodesk® Extension for Civil View

    The Autodesk® Extension for Civil View is intended to be used in conjunction with the existing Export to Civil View for Autodesk® 3ds Max® option in Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® and provides the ability to add AutoCAD Civil 3D alignment, profile and pipe network data to your Civil View model in Autodesk 3ds Max.


    Autodesk® Geotechnical Module

    The Autodesk® Geotechnical Module 2017 consists of the following features:

    •Import borehole data

    •Create 3D borehole modules

    •Display 2D borehole strip diagrams

    •Display 2D borehole diagrams on AutoCAD Civil 3D profiles based on a buffered alignment

    •Create and manage AutoCAD Civil 3D surfaces based on borehole data


    Autodesk® River and Flood Analysis Module

    Key Features of this Extension

    The Autodesk® River & Flood Analysis Module is a sophisticated river modeling software package that supported HEC-RAS within the Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® environment. The Autodesk River & Flood Analysis module makes it easier than ever before to compute water surface profiles for modeling rivers, bridges, culverts, spillways, levees, floodplain and floodway delineations, stream diversions, channel improvements, and split flows.

    Key Features:

    •Automate HEC-RAS cross section cutting, water surface analysis, flood plain mapping, and all related modeling tasks.

    •Utilize numerous automation mapping tools for extracting cross sections from various digital terrain sources including contours, TINs, DTMs, DEMs, LiDAR data, survey files, surveyed cross sections, etc.

    •Perform sophisticated bridge and culvert analysis as well as automating the process of designing and analyzing roadway crossings.

    •Automate mapping of bank station locations, channel and overland flow lengths, levee locations, ineffective flow areas, Manning's roughness data from topographic map data.

    •Perform automated bridge scour computations for FHWA and state DOT roadway studies.

    •Automatically generate floodplain and floodway maps, ready for FEMA and other agency submittals.


    AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2017 vl Enhancements

    There is one global installation of AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2017 vl Enhancements that includes all languages. The installer will automatically match the AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017 vl Enhancements language with your AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017 language.

    Note: It is required that you install Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017 Service Pack 1.1 prior to installing these enhancements.

    Key Features of these Enhancements

    •Add Property Set Data to Labels: Add custom data to AutoCAD Civil 3D object labels by using property sets.

    •Analyze Gravity Network: This utility enables you to resize pipes and reset inverts and to compute the energy and hydraulic grade lines according to HEC-22 2009 standards. You can use this utility to:

    •Iteratively analyze a network using appropriate rainfall data

    •Review results graphically and in a .csv file

    •Modify the results and re-run the analysis

    •Apply the results to the pipe network

    •Swap Pressure Network Parts: Swap pressure network pipes, fittings, and appurtenances with parts of another size or type. This utility enables you to select parts from either the current network parts list or from a part catalog.

    ***Updated Functionality and Content:

    The following features from earlier productivity packs have been updated so they can be installed and work with AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017.

    •Subassemblies: A set of subassemblies is included in this release, including subassemblies for benches, curbs, ditches, shoulders, tunnels, and single-track and double-track railways. Note: After installing AutoCAD Civil 3D 2017 vl Enhancements, you will need to import the PKT files into a Tool Palette to access them.

    •Autodesk Civil Engineering Data Translator: Translate AutoCAD Civil 3D files to files that can be used in Bentley® GEOPAK® and Bentley® InRoads®, and translate GEOPAK and InRoads files to files that can be used in AutoCAD Civil 3D.

    •Create 3D Solids from Pipe Networks: Create AutoCAD Solids from AutoCAD Civil 3D pipe networks and pressure networks.

    •Rail Turnouts and Crossings commands: Create and edit rail turnouts and crossovers.

    •Traverse Editor: Use the Traverse Editor to input and edit traverse data. Create points, lines, and curves representing traverse legs and sideshots using COGO input and editing tools. The traverse can be used to generate a polyline, COGO points, and a TRV2 traverse file which you can open in the Traverse Adjustment dialog box and apply an adjustment method.

    •Traverse Adjustment: Use the Traverse Adjustment feature to apply an adjustment method to traverse data. Perform traverse adjustments and generate reports using Compass, Transit, Crandall, and Grant Line adjustment methods, and update COGO points and traverse geometry within the drawing.





      Great !!! thank You very much

        Appropriate it Wallah

          thank you so much ,, cheers