Autodesk AutoCAD Structural Detailing 2015 SP1 AIO

Version: 2015 Build J.104.0.0
Developer: Autodesk Inc
By assembling: m0nkrus
Bit: 64bit
Language: English Russian
Medicine: Present
System requirements:
- 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows 8 / 8.1 Enterprise, Professional, or Core, Windows 7 Enterprise, Ultimate, Professional or Home Premium
- AMD Athlon 64, AMD Opteron, Intel Xeon with support for Intel EM64T, Intel Pentium 4 with Intel EM64T support and SSE2 technology
- 4 GB of RAM (8 GB recommended)
- 6 GB for installation (6 GB required after installation)
- 1024 x 768 (recommended resolution of 1600 x 1050 or higher), with a full-color palette mode (True Color)
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 or later
- To install: connect to the Internet or DVD-ROM drive
Additional requirements for 3D modeling (all configurations):
- 8 GB RAM
- 6 GB of free disk space, excluding space required for installation
- Video card with 1280 x 1024 resolution, providing a full-color palette mode (True Color), with a storage capacity of at least 128 MB, Pixel Shader 3.0 or later, workstation-class graphics card with support for Direct3D
AutoCAD Structural Detailing - it's AutoCAD, which has specialized features for the production of drawings of steel and concrete structures. It provides support for building information modeling that helps skilled project teams to work more efficiently.
AutoCAD Structural Detailing - it's AutoCAD, complete with tools for fast and efficient detailing and creation of fabrication shop drawings for steel and concrete structures. Tools integrated into the familiar environment AutoCAD, make easier the process of implementation of the project plan. Integration with Autodesk Revit makes modeling procedures of steel connections and detailing an integral part of building information modeling (BIM).

Advanced 3D-reinforcement
In 3D-AutoCAD Structural Detailing kinds of elements are displayed and the geometry of the reinforcement of concrete structural elements. 3D-visualization helps engineers check whether the description of the valve performed. In addition, when working in 3D is easier to identify conflicts between the reinforcing bars and find mistakes in the layout of reinforcement.
Placement of bolts, nuts and washers
Designers can create, modify and update the fittings, as well as set the location of the bolts, nuts and washers.
Intelligent structural objects
Designers can create models of building structures and reinforcement drawings using intelligent objects - beams, plates, columns, walls, rebar, etc. The elements can be cut, lengthen, bend, split and merge. Specifications are automatically updated when changes are made.
Automatic generation of species and sites
AutoCAD Structural Detailing simplifies the creation of working drawings of building structures, automatically creating sections and elevations, adding dimensions and notes.
Automatic generation of shop drawings
Detailed drawings are generated for individual parts and assemblies in its entirety. Specifications and bill of materials are also created automatically. If you make changes to the draft program helps update size and description to provide consistency in the working drawings.
Customize style of detailed and assembly drawings
Customizable styles allows you to customize virtually every aspect of drawing: explanation designation, dimensions, tables, etc. This provides additional flexibility. You can create new styles, or customize existing ones.
Automatic generation of drawings
Layout and grouping of elements in the drawings are automatically created to enhance the quality of data and the overall organization of the drawing. The drawings are automatically generated lists of items that can not be machined, as well as the elements at the ends of which run vertical and flat sections.
Improved connections of steel structures
The functions of forming connections of steel structures, you can set additional parameters that help users to set the size of sections in the upper / lower plane of the merged beam element connection. For compounds of the beams can be placed with the ribs connecting ribs on the right or left of the adjacent element.
Produced by combining two original distributions R1-one. The installer adds the ability to install a local reference for the English, and for the Russian version of the program. The installer adds the ability to install the module support VBA-macros. The installer adds the ability to install the module SPDS Extension 4.0 allows to make out the drawings in accordance with GOST 21.1101-2009 (see para. 4 and 6 screenshots). The installation package AutoCAD Structural Detailing 2015 made the integration of Service Pack 1. The included software package Autodesk ReCap 2015 updated to version to version Utility Autodesk Application Manager updated to version to version Utility Autodesk BIM 360 Glue updated from version to version 4.34.2701 3.32.3004. Distributions used in the original .NET Framework 4.5 package is replaced by a revised version of the draft [Slim] .NET Framework 4.5.3 Full x86 / x64, with built-in updates as of June 26th, 2014. Used in the original package distributions Microsoft Visual C ++ Redistributable Package are replaced with a single revised version of the draft [addon] Microsoft Visual C ++ 2005-2008-2010-2012-2013 Redistributable Package Hybrid. You can set AutoCAD Structural Detailing on any supported program language, and not only those that are sewn into the installer. It's enough to download a language pack ofsayta and specify the path to it during the installation (see. Screenshot 2). Since AutoCAD Structural Detailing 2015 default was no so-called "classic interface", I found it possible to restore it to the afflicted almost in full (see. Skrinsho 5). Assembling spared from appearing in some problems when you connect through a virtual image of the drive, the installer will sometimes require a different disk. Everything you need for treatment, including detailed instructions, located inside the image in the folder Crack.
MD5-sum way: 52c7568577f3cc3c3ce2ca81320ddb76
SHA1-sum way: db4a5fff0194b4725c7af5311809a29c79e673a7
