Foundation Level With USB Rubber Ducky Now With Less Than 10 باللغة العربية✅
مستوى الأساس مع جهاز القرصنة المادية رخيصة متحكم و Arduino IDE لكتابة HID الخاص بك تفعل ذلك بنفسك
التقييم: 4.6
المجال: #IT & Software
آخر تحديث : 6/2023
محتوى الكورس : 01:18 ساعة و 9 محاضرة
What you'll learn
- What is DigiSpark
- How DigiSpark can be used in Hacking
- Writing your first ethical hacking payload
- Hardware Penetration Testing
- Arduino IDE Basics
- Hacking with (H)uman (I)nterface (D)evices (HID)
- Computer running MacOS, Linux, or Windows
- Arduino IDE installed (free)
- Digispark ATTiny85 USB Development Board (~$2 each)
- Useful but not required: Basic knowledge of Arduino IDE & terminal commands
Learn How to Use MicroController in Real-World Hacking Scenario
In this course, I’m going to show you how we can use a tiny 1$ microcontroller to hack any PC on your local network and anywhere in the world using public IP. This Microcontroller is called DigiSpark. It is a microcontroller based on the Attiny85 development board. It is similar to Arduino but smaller and more powerful in terms of hacking.
