Redis with .Net 6 in Arabic [بالعربي]
Redis with .Net 6 in Arabic [بالعربي]
Rating: 4.6 out of 54.6(19 ratings)
1,620 students
Created by Ahmed Al Wakeel
Last updated 6/2024
Redis with .Net 6 in Arabic [بالعربي]
Rating: 4.6 out of 54.6(19 ratings)
1,620 students
Created by Ahmed Al Wakeel
Last updated 6/2024

- 9 hours on-demand video
- Introduction ( Defining NoSQL - Types of NoSQL databases - Caching - Full-Text Search - Geospatial and time-series data - Messaging Queuing - other concepts)
- Getting started ( Installing Redis on Docker - Client libraries - Database ,Creating data - Using Redis Enterprise Cloud - Working with Redis Client)
- Mulit Model (String - JSON - List - Sets - Hashes - Sorted set - Streams - Consumer group - GeoSpatial - BitMap - BitField - HyperLogLog - PubSub)
- Cluster ( Clustering - Creating cluster - cluster reset - cluster Meet - Failover - Reshard - Add/Remove node - replica migration)
- Caching (Introduction - Caching use cases - Static vs Dynamic caches - In-memory caching implementation - Distributed cache Redis - Other concepts)
- Search (What is RediSearch - Creating Index - Query data - Manage index - Aggregation - Apply Function - RediSearch with C#)
- JSON ( JSON support for Redis - Commands - JSON Limitation - Path - JSONPath Support - Legacy path syntax - RedisJson use cases)
- Advanced Data Structures (Keys - Key expiration - String - Hashes - List - Ordered Sets - Transactions - Optimistic locking - other concepts)
- Redis For .Net developers (NuGet package - Connect to Redis - Interfaces StackExchangeRedis - Connecting to Redis Cluster - Transaction - other concepts)