برنامج احترفي لتنظيم قائمة البداية للويندوز وتسهيل عملية الوصول الى التطبيقات والبرامج المطلوب تشغيلها بالاضافة الى ميزة امكانية تصنيف المجلدات والبرامج بحسب الأولوية والاهتمام والوصول السريع لكل ما تريده
Start Menu X is a replacement of the system menu for professionals. Power users are a lot more demanding, and it’s not surprising – instead of a petty dozen of programs they have hundreds! This means that they need a solution developed by professionals for professionals. Find out how to find and launch programs without scrolling, extra clicks and moves – this is Start Menu X

Start Menu X is a replacement of the system menu for professionals. Power users are a lot more demanding, and it’s not surprising – instead of a petty dozen of programs they have hundreds! This means that they need a solution developed by professionals for professionals. Find out how to find and launch programs without scrolling, extra clicks and moves – this is Start Menu X
