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برنامج Batch PDF Pro 3.0.1 متكامل للتعامل مع ملفات PDF يغنيك عن الكثير

OCR, Scan, Edit, Convert PDF, PowerPoint, XLS and DOC

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    برنامج Batch PDF Pro 3.0.1 متكامل للتعامل مع ملفات PDF يغنيك عن الكثير

    Key Features:
    - Microsoft Office 2010 Layout
    - Live Preview
    - Everything in Batch Mode
    - Process Thousands of Files at Once
    - Hassle-free PDF Watermarking Using Text / Image
    - PDF Stamping Made Easy
    - Batch Convert Text and Images to PDF
    - Batch PDF Encrypting, Signing and Decrypting
    - Batch PDF Merging, Splitting and Bursting
    Features in Detail:
    - The user interface is intuitive and you should get used to working with this program in no time.
    - Thanks to its well-organized options and clean layout, it appeals to both beginners and professionals.
    - It supports batch processing and it also allows you to drag and drop the files directly into the main window.
    - It converts plain text to PDF and the output file can be tweaked by specifying the page size, font style and the color.
    - Additional options for the HTML to PDF conversion include setting up the margin (top, left, bottom, right) and orientation (portrait, landscape).
    - A docked menu (Action Clips) helps you edit, sort or remove the files and you can even perform a quick search throughout your documents.
    - Converting images to PDF files is also possible.
    - The text watermark can be customized in terms of opacity, layout (horizontal, vertical or rotation) and font styles and colors can be changed.
    - In order to apply an image watermark or a stamp on your files you can choose an image from a predefined list or simply browse the computer for other images.
    - All these adjustments can be previewed in the main window.
    - The app allows you to encrypt files by adding passwords and setting up permissions (enabling or denying access) and to decrypt them by specifying the password or the certificate.
    - The program supports document signing by adding a signature (reason, contact, location) and by editing PDF Metadata (e.g. author, title, subject).
    - Users can also make the signature visible in the main window.
    - Moreover, it is possible to merge or split multiple files. The app managed to perform each task quickly and no errors showed up during our tests.
    - In conclusion, Batch PDF Pro is a reliable tool that helps you handle PDFs quickly and effortlessly.
    Release Notes:
    - May include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.
    System Requirements:
    - Windows 10 32/64 bit
    - Windows 8 32/64 bit
    - Windows 7 32/64 bit
    - Windows Vista 32/64 bit
    - Windows XP

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