الجيل الثاني لبرامج استعراض الصور والرسوم المتحركة مع محرر الصور وتنقية الصوت والمزامنة والكثير جدا من الميزات التي لايمكن حصرها بهذا الموضوع ويمكنك الاطلاع عليها بموقع الشركة
RV is the next generation image and sequence viewer for VFX and animation artists. RV is high-performance, hardware accelerated, and pipeline-friendly. It adapts to your workflow, runs on Windows, Mac and Linux, and integrates with key tools like Nuke, Maya, Deadline, and Qube!

RV is the next generation image and sequence viewer for VFX and animation artists. RV is high-performance, hardware accelerated, and pipeline-friendly. It adapts to your workflow, runs on Windows, Mac and Linux, and integrates with key tools like Nuke, Maya, Deadline, and Qube!
