VAG dataflash [18.10]

Auto Repair and Diagnostics Programs

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  • Saadedin
    Thread Author
    • Sep 2018 
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    Year of release: 2018
    Version: 18.10 (20,519 files)
    Developer: VAG encodings on D2
    Interface language: English + Russian
    Tabletka: not required
    Format: data array

    VAG firmware files: Audi, Volkswagen, Skoda, SEAT for software: ODIS and VCP (Vag Can Pro)
    All files you use at your own risk. Before flashing it is strongly recommended to check with TPI, which can be downloaded here.
    Duplicate files from old databases are replaced with identical ones from new ones (that is, the release date is priority, not the file weight).
    Respects: The main volume is taken from VAGopedia comrade SanchoPanso998 and AsergeyV materials, and we respect them first!
    Add. Information: Update is carried out by adding new files, do not forget to update the torrent:

    1) delete the old download torrent client;
    2) download a new torrent file and add it to the download;
    3) specify the download path to the existing folders and files, then not the whole volume will be downloaded, but only the changes.
    Please do not leave the distribution, i.e. Do not delete the download, do not rename or move files. !

    Attached Files
  • hamdi
    Free Membership
    • Dec 2018 

