Udacity - Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree

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  • mohamed
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    Udacity - Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree

    Udacity | Duration: 19 h 50 m | Video: H264 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44,1 kHz 2ch | 4,93 GB | Language: English | 2018


    Why should I enroll in the Robotics Nanodegree program?

    The field of robotics is growing at an incredible rate, and demand for software engineers with the right skills far exceeds the current supply. This makes this an ideal time to enter this field, and this groundbreaking program represents a unique opportunity to develop these in-demand skills as you'll learn topics including, but not limited to: Perception, Kinematics, Localization, Control, SLAM, Deep Learning, and Reinforcement Learning. You will learn the basics of what goes into a robotics system by using the Robot Operating System (ROS), and you'll have the opportunity to gain familiarity with the NVIDIA Jetson TX2 Developer Kit.

    Expert instructors, personalized project reviews, and exclusive hiring opportunities are hallmarks of this program, and in collaboration with the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute—one of the most exciting and innovative companies in the world—we have built an unrivalled curriculum that offers the most cutting-edge learning experience currently available.

    You will graduate from this program having completed several hands-on robotics projects in simulation that will serve as portfolio pieces demonstrating the skills you've acquired. This will enable you to pursue a rewarding career in the robotics field.

    Over the course of the program, you'll also have the opportunity to learn about robotics hardware such as the NVIDIA Jetson TX2 Developer Kit—eligible students will even have access to a special education discount on the Jetson TX2 through our collaboration with NVIDIA.

    For anyone seeking to launch or advance a career as a Robotics Software Engineer, and who wishes to be a part of the incredible world of robotics, this is the ideal program.
    What frameworks/languages/technologies will this program teach?

    You will learn the practical application of robotics concepts like perception, localization, path planning and controls, using the languages and frameworks that are in demand in the industry (Python, C++, ROS, Gazebo). In addition, you'll work on deep learning projects that use NVIDIA's DIGITS, TensorFlow, and PyTorch.
    As a benefit of being enrolled, I have the opportunity to purchase the NVIDIA Jetson TX2 at a discount, is that true?

    True! As an enrolled student of the Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree program, you are eligible to receive a special education discount that can be applied to the purchase of a Jetson TX2 Developer Kit. The education discount varies by region. For most countries the discount is 50% off the retail price.

    NVIDIA Jetson is the world's leading platform for “AI at the edge.” Its high-performance, low-power computing for deep learning and computer vision makes it the ideal platform for compute-intensive robotics projects.

    Please note: Upon successfully enrolling in Term 2 of the program, you'll receive an email with detailed instructions for buying the Jetson TX2 developer kit at the discounted price from the NVIDIA store, or the local distributor, depending on the country of residence
    Will I learn to build a full robot with this program?

    Our focus in this program is on the role of a Robotics Software Engineer, so while you will gain a broad understanding of robotics as a field that combines multiple engineering disciplines—including electrical, mechanical, and systems—the specific skills you will master are geared towards developing robotics software solutions.
    How is the Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree program different from your Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree program or your Self-Driving Car Engineer
    Nanodegree program?

    The Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree program is the most general of the three programs. It offers a great foundation, and is an excellent choice for anyone pursuing a career in a field where machine learning techniques are used. However, the curriculum is not as advanced as the other two programs, and it does not specialize to the same extent.

    Note: The Machine Learning Engineer program is not an official prerequisite for either the Self-Driving Car or Robotics Software Engineer programs, but it may be beneficial to some students to complete this program first, depending on your existing knowledge and experience.

    The Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree program provides an introduction to software and artificial intelligence as applied to robotics. The areas we focus on are perception, localization, path planning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, and control. These are taught using the Robot Operating System (ROS) framework. All of the techniques required to complete the projects in the Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree program (including machine learning) are taught as part of the program.

    The Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree program focuses entirely on a specialized application of robotics—it uses robotics concepts and applies them to a self-driving car. If your primary interest is in the application of robotics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to self-driving cars, then this is the program for you. However, if you want a broader and more comprehensive robotics curriculum, with an emphasis on software engineering, then the Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree program is your best option.

    What are the prerequisites for this program?

    Students should have the following skills coming into the program:
    • Linear algebra and calculus
    • Probability and statistics
    • Basic physics (Newtonian Mechanics)
    • Unix / Linux command line familiarity
    • Intermediate-level programming experience in Python or similar language
    • ROS, C++ and machine learning experience are helpful but not required

    Small Line

    Table of Contents
    1 Welcome
    2 What is a Robot
    3 Search and Sample Return
    4 Career Support Overview
    5 Introduction to ROS
    6 Packages & Catkin Workspaces
    7 Write ROS Nodes
    8 GitHub
    9 Udacity Explores – Biologically Inspired Robots
    10 6 Questions on Robotics Careers
    11 Intro to Kinematics
    12 Forward and Inverse Kinematics
    13 Project Robotic Arm Pick & Place
    14 Udacity Explores – Human Robot Interaction & Robot Ethics
    15 Product Pitch
    16 Perception Overview
    17 Introduction to 3D Perception
    18 Calibration, Filtering, and Segmentation
    19 Clustering for Segmentation
    20 Object Recognition
    21 3D Perception Project
    22 Udacity Explores – Soft Robotics
    23 Udacity Explores – Robot Grasping
    24 Introduction to Controls
    25 Quadrotor Control using PID
    26 Udacity Explores Swarm Robotics
    27 Networking in Robotics
    28 Intro to Neural Networks
    29 TensorFlow for Deep Learning
    30 Deep Neural Networks
    31 Convolutional Neural Networks
    32 Fully Convolutional Networks
    33 Lab Semantic Segmentation
    34 Project Follow Me
    35 Term 1 Outro
    36 Introduction to C++ for Robotics
    37 Introduction to Term 2
    38 The Jetson TX2
    39 Interacting with Robotics Hardware
    40 Lab Hardware Hello World
    41 Robotics Sensor Options
    42 Inference Development
    43 Inference Applications in Robotics
    44 Project Robotic Inference
    45 Introduction to Localization
    46 Kalman Filters
    47 Lab Kalman Filters
    48 Monte Carlo Localization
    49 Build MCL in C++
    50 Project Where Am I
    51 Introduction to Mapping and SLAM
    52 Occupancy Grid Mapping
    53 Grid-based FastSLAM
    54 GraphSLAM
    55 Project Map My World Robot
    56 Intro to RL for Robotics
    57 RL Basics
    58 Q-Learning Lab
    59 Deep RL
    60 DQN Lab
    61 Deep RL Manipulator
    62 Project Deep RL Arm Manipulation
    63 Intro to Path Planning and Navigation
    64 Classic Path Planning
    65 Lab Path Planning
    66 Sample-Based and Probabilistic Path Planning
    67 Research in Navigation
    68 Project Home Service Robot
    69 Strengthen Your Online Presence Using LinkedIn
    70 Optimize Your GitHub Profile
    71 Completing the Program
    72 Project Introduction
    73 Introduction to ROS
    74 Packages & Catkin Workspaces
    75 Write ROS Nodes
    76 Search
    77 Project Details

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    مسار الكورس | syllabus


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    شكرا لك أخي

    الموضوع مفيد ومنسق بشكل جميل لكن الرجاء روابط اخرى لأن هذا النوع من الروابط ممنوع بالبوابة ولافائدة منها اصلا لأن التحميل باشتراك وليس مجاني

    سيتم حذف الموضوع بعد أن تقرأ الرد من فضلك
    • mfarag
      Free Membership
      • Sep 2018 

      شكرااااااااااااا و ياريت لو ممكن marketing nanodegree
      • mohamed
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        Originally posted by mfarag View Post
        شكرااااااااااااا و ياريت لو ممكن marketing nanodegree
        إن شاء الله ساحاول عمل الموضوع في اقرب وقت , لكني مشغول اليوم لذا ممكن يتأخر للغد

        • medmoh
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          Originally posted by mohamed View Post
          إن شاء الله ساحاول عمل الموضوع في اقرب وقت , لكني مشغول اليوم لذا ممكن يتأخر للغد


          تفضل ياأخـــي و بالتوفيـــق

          MedMoh_.Udacity.Digital.Marketing.Nanodegree.v3.0. 0.part1.rar - 2.0 GiB
          MedMoh_.Udacity.Digital.Marketing.Nanodegree.v3.0. 0.part2.rar - 2.0 GiB
          • mohamed
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            Originally posted by medmoh View Post

            تفضل ياأخـــي و بالتوفيـــق

            MedMoh_.Udacity.Digital.Marketing.Nanodegree.v3.0. 0.part1.rar - 2.0 GiB
            MedMoh_.Udacity.Digital.Marketing.Nanodegree.v3.0. 0.part2.rar - 2.0 GiB

            جزاك الله خيراً , لقد قمت بالفعل بطرح لكن ما زال بإنتظار موافقة الإدارة .
            و شكراً لك علي الروابط الإضافية لهذا الموضوع ( انقذت الموضوع من الحذف ) , للأسف لا أستطيع التعديل علي الموضوع لإضافة هذه الروابط
            • medmoh
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              Originally posted by mohamed View Post

              جزاك الله خيراً , لقد قمت بالفعل بطرح لكن ما زال بإنتظار موافقة الإدارة .
              و شكراً لك علي الروابط الإضافية لهذا الموضوع ( انقذت الموضوع من الحذف ) , للأسف لا أستطيع التعديل علي الموضوع لإضافة هذه الروابط
              لا شكر على واجب و انا دائما في الخدمة و جزاك الله خيرا