English as a Second Language Podcast: English Cafe (lessons 1-603)

Year of release: 2006-2017
Posted by: Dr. Jeff mcquillan
Category: Podcast
Publisher: Center for Educational Development, USA
Course language: English (US version)
Audio codec: MP3
Audio Bitrate: 64 kbps (1-364 editions), 128 kbps (365-414, 579-583 editions), 160 kbps (366-578, 584-603 editions)
Description: A podcast for English learners. Podcaster, a professor of applied linguistics at the University of South Carolina, Fullerton and the University of Arizona, talks about many everyday things, such as interesting newspaper articles, American cultural features, holiday traditions, idiomatic expressions, and more. Clear and precise pronunciation allows you to understand speech, and some unfamiliar or difficult words are explained to fully understand the topic of the release. At the end follows the section on answering questions sent by podcast listeners via email from all over the world.

Year of release: 2006-2017
Posted by: Dr. Jeff mcquillan
Category: Podcast
Publisher: Center for Educational Development, USA
Course language: English (US version)
Audio codec: MP3
Audio Bitrate: 64 kbps (1-364 editions), 128 kbps (365-414, 579-583 editions), 160 kbps (366-578, 584-603 editions)
Description: A podcast for English learners. Podcaster, a professor of applied linguistics at the University of South Carolina, Fullerton and the University of Arizona, talks about many everyday things, such as interesting newspaper articles, American cultural features, holiday traditions, idiomatic expressions, and more. Clear and precise pronunciation allows you to understand speech, and some unfamiliar or difficult words are explained to fully understand the topic of the release. At the end follows the section on answering questions sent by podcast listeners via email from all over the world.