برنامج تغير مقاس الصور دون التأثير على جودتها Teorex iResizer v3.0 Multilingual

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    يتيح البرنامج طرق ذكية جديدة لتغيير حجم الصور دون تشويه أو اقتصاص شيء من المحتوى


    Teorex iResizer v3 0 Multilingual


    iResizer enables new smart ways of resizing images without

    deforming or cropping the content

    iResizer content aware image resizing software rescale images

    non uniformly while preserving the key features of the

    picture. iResizer avoiding distortion of the important parts

    of the image. It also can be used to remove portion ot the

    image in a consistent way. For example, you can turn a

    landscape picture into a square picture and close up the

    space between people in a image if they are a long way apart

    It also works in reverse and you can use it to make an photo


    Change the spacing between main objects

    Remove objects from photos

    Change image aspect ratio

    Easy to get use & started

    Completely non-technical


