برنامج تصفية القوائم البريدية Maxprog eMail Bounce Handler v3.8.3

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    برنامج تدقيق وتصفية البريد المرتجع وهو مهم لاصحاب القوائم البريدية حيث يقوم البرنامج بعمل تصفية للبريد المرتجع لعدة اسباب ومنها ان البريد منتهي او غير حقيقي او غير فعال او غير صحيح او صندوق الوارد ممتلىء أو تم تغييره وجميعها اسباب تؤدي الى رجوع الرسالة الى المرسل وهنا يقوم البرنامج بتصفية هذا البريد لتقوم أما باستثناءه من الارسال او حذفه من القائمة.

    Maxprog eMail Bounce Handler v3.8.3


    Bounce e-mail (sometimes referred to as bounce mail) is

    electronic mail that is returned to the sender because it

    cannot be delivered for some reason. Unless otherwise

    arranged, bounce e-mail usually appears as a new note in your

    inbox. E-mail users can encounter bounce e-mail because an

    addressee has changed his or her address, because their mail

    box is full, because the note is misaddressed, or for some

    other reason.

    Maxprog has developed eMail Bounce Handler, a bounce email

    filtering and handling software that recognizes bounce email

    using a customizable set of rules and extracts recipient's

    addresses allowing you to use them again to try sending your

    message or to take them off your list.

    eMail Bounce Handler is able to process bounce messages from

    all kind of sources like your local files, both remote and

    local mailboxes, plain text drops and from the clipboard. In

    the case of remote access eMail Bounce Handler gives support

    for both the POP and the IMAP protocols, retrieving bounce

    messages and keeping any other message untouched. Once your

    bounce messages have been processed you get a list of "dead"

    email addresses you can export in order to clean your

    original list or to try to send your message again.



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