برنامج Jellypie 3D Box Shot Pro 4.4 لتصميم صور ثلاثي الأبعاد وتصميم البوسترات

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    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

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    Jellypie 3D Box Shot Pro 4.4

    لتصميم صور ثلاثي الأبعاد وتصميم البوسترات بمزايا متعددة ولعل الترجمة تفيد بشكل إعمق المستخدم
    3D Box Shot Pro is a Windows application that takes the complexity out of generating 3D images for use in design.
    It allows you to create stunning 3D images very quickly. 3D Box Shot Pro allows you to easily add realistic soft shadows
    to any model you load into the program. You can control the opacity, blur, length and even the colour of the shadows.
    Soft Shadows
    3D Box Shot Pro allows you to easily add realistic soft shadows to any model you load into the program.
    You can control the opacity, blur, length and even the colour of the shadows.
    Realistic Reflections
    Realistic Reflections can be easily applied to any model in 3D Box Shot Pro. You can control the length and opacity
    of the reflections, or simply toggle them on and off.
    Bump Mapping
    3D Box Shot Pro features pixel shader based depth or bump mapping. This allows you to easily add bump maps to
    models in the program in order to create more realistic renders. For example you can easily simulate leather textures
    by using a leather bump map.
    Environment Mapping
    3D Box Shot Pro also features environment mapping. This allows you to add shine to surfaces quickly and simply
    . For example if you were rendering as scene with a drinks can, you can easily apply environment mapping
    to make the can appear shiny.
    Blazingly Fast Rendering
    3D Box Shot Pro features a really, really fast rendering engine that applies very high quality anti-aliasing to the
    images exported from the program. This saves bags of time if you are working on a complex design job requiring
    lots of rendered images.
    Simple to Use
    3D Box Shot Pro takes the complexity out of 3D. You no longer have to confront a near vertical learning
    curve to start using 3D in your designs. 3D Box Shot Pro is simple to learn and you'll be creating great results in minutes.
    Stunning 3D Text
    3D Box Shot Pro now natively supports 3D Text. We've taken a unique approach to 3D Text. Rather than simply
    extruding system fonts, we have create 3D models of every character from 5 beautiful fonts sets. This allows you
    to create some really stunning text effects.
    36 Supported Model Formats
    3D Box Shot Pro now supports a grand total of 36 different 3D Model formats. This feature is available in all
    version of the software at no additional cost. As a resultm you are no longer restricted to loading
    external .3ds and .md2 models. You can now load pretty much any type of 3D model!
    Loads .PSD Files
    3D Box Shot Pro also allows you to load .PSD files from Photoshop as textures, environment maps and depth
    textures in the program. This means that you can design covers for eBooks and DVDs in Photoshop and load them into
    the program in .PSD format, significantly speeding up your workflow.
    - May include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.
    Software Rendering:
    The Software version will run on very old graphics hardware or even in a VM. If you have any problems
    running the hardware version, please try the software version.
    Hardware Rendering:
    The hardware edition uses fully accelerated OpenGL to provide blistering Fast real-time rendering.
    Try this version to get the very best from 3D Box Shot Pro.
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          Originally posted by abosoumia View Post
          كلمة المرور غير صحيحة للأسف وبارك الله فيك .
          تم التعديل بارك الله فيك


              جزاك الله كل الخير على الإستجابة السريعة في تصحيح كلمة المرورووفقك الله.


                السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

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                    the password is BySam Damasgate

                      الله يجزاك الخير مشرفنا العزيز دائما مميز باختيارك للبرامج المفيدة

                        برنامج رائع حقيقة....مشكوووووور

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