السلام عليكم
برنامج صغير لادارة الفنادق بحدود 200 غرفة وبحسب الشركة البرنامج بسيط ولايحتاج الى تدريب الموظفين على الاستخدام.
RoomMate v5.3

release date: 2013-03-23 supplier: BLZ-TEAM
disks: 1 cracker: BLZ-TEAM
protection: serial os: WinALL
RoomMate is an inexpensive software package for small to medium sized
hotels (200 rooms maximum). It is written in Windows style using
Visual C++, the programming language which is used for most serious
The program is user friendly and transparent - you will be amazed at
how easily your staff can adapt to the software without any special
training. A basic understanding of Windows is all that's required.
1. install RoomMate
2. use keygen to register
حجم البرنامج 1.5MB
الكيجن مرفق مع الملف
برنامج صغير لادارة الفنادق بحدود 200 غرفة وبحسب الشركة البرنامج بسيط ولايحتاج الى تدريب الموظفين على الاستخدام.
RoomMate v5.3

release date: 2013-03-23 supplier: BLZ-TEAM
disks: 1 cracker: BLZ-TEAM
protection: serial os: WinALL
RoomMate is an inexpensive software package for small to medium sized
hotels (200 rooms maximum). It is written in Windows style using
Visual C++, the programming language which is used for most serious
The program is user friendly and transparent - you will be amazed at
how easily your staff can adapt to the software without any special
training. A basic understanding of Windows is all that's required.
1. install RoomMate
2. use keygen to register
حجم البرنامج 1.5MB
الكيجن مرفق مع الملف