برنامج تصميم الصور المتحركة مع امكانية اضافة التأثيرات والحركات الانتقالية ومزود بالعديد من القوالب الجاهزة ويعمل بلغة HTML5
برنامج تصميم الرسوم المتحركة
Smith Micro MotionArtist 1.2.1
Impress movement and fun HTML5 information into your comics and displays with MotionArtist. Change your eyesight into electronic tales that are fun with condition-of-the- animatics! Produce an active encounter through HTML5′s ability. Style skilled- company displays, animations and quality movies. With engineering that is MotionAssist , anybody could be a MotionArtist. Provide your artwork with MotionArtist alive easier than ever before. Discuss your masterpieces on MotionArtistTV: The Electronic Fabric for Fun Storytelling