السلام عليكم
برنامج لحذف البرامج من جذورها
Smarty Uninstaller 4.7.0 Multilingual
Smarty Uninstaller is a software that allows you to completely uninstall programs (64 and 32-bit) installed on your system. It monitors the built-in application uninstaller and uses an advanced scan engine that deletes any program leftovers. It allows you to launch the scan engine manually at any time to force uninstall a program with broken uninstaller
برنامج لحذف البرامج من جذورها
Smarty Uninstaller 4.7.0 Multilingual
Smarty Uninstaller is a software that allows you to completely uninstall programs (64 and 32-bit) installed on your system. It monitors the built-in application uninstaller and uses an advanced scan engine that deletes any program leftovers. It allows you to launch the scan engine manually at any time to force uninstall a program with broken uninstaller