BMW KSD 12/2018 [Multi]

Auto Repair and Diagnostics Programs

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  • Saadedin
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    BMW KSD 12/2018 [Multi]

    Year / Release Date: 2018
    Version: 12.2018
    Developer: BMW Group
    Interface language: Multilingual (Russian is present)
    Tabletka: not required

    Description: The BMW KSD electronic database contains information about the norm-hours of all BMW series of automobiles (BMW), information about repair packages, disks and tires, their combination and recommendations for using the winter and summer versions of tires. In addition, the base includes expert assessments, including on the model of the American market.

    The catalog contains information about BMW cars from the 60s of the twentieth century (series 114).
    To run the program, simply load the CD; you do not need to install it, the program interface is completely Russified, including the Help menu, there is support for other European languages. Working with the program is as simple and convenient as possible.
    Car service and auto repair shops dealing with BMW cars, this application will be a great helper. From now on, there is no need to “take prices from the ceiling”; you can provide the client with a reasonable estimate for the work, based on official information from the manufacturer.

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  • Lazhar
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