[Udemy] Perfect English Pronunciation Practice [2015, ENG]
Make yourself better understood in English when you learn & practice how to pronounce 12 tricky English consonant sounds.

Size: 523 MB
Make yourself better understood in English when you learn & practice how to pronounce 12 tricky English consonant sounds.

├── 01. Welcome and introduction to this course │ └── 01. Introduction to this course.mp4 ├── 02. Consonant sounds - l and r │ ├── 01. The l sound practice.mp4 │ ├── 02. The r sound practice.mp4 │ ├── 03. L and r sounds minimal pairs practice.mp4 │ └── 04. L and r listening quiz video.mp4 ├── 03. Consonant sounds - b and v │ ├── 01. The b sound practice.mp4 │ ├── 02. The v sound lecture.mp4 │ ├── 03. B and v sounds minimal pairs practice.mp4 │ └── 04. B and v listening quiz video.mp4 ├── 04. Consonant sound w │ ├── 01. The w sound practice.mp4 │ ├── 02. W and v sounds minimal pairs practice.mp4 │ └── 03. W and v listening quiz video.mp4 ├── 05. Consonant sound f │ ├── 01. The f sound practice.mp4 │ ├── 02. F and v minimal pairs practice.mp4 │ └── 03. F and v listening quiz video.mp4 ├── 06. Consonant sound p │ ├── 01. The p sound practice.mp4 │ ├── 02. P and f minimal pairs pactice.mp4 │ └── 03. P and f quiz video.mp4 ├── 07. Consonant sounds s and sh │ ├── 01. The s sound practice.mp4 │ ├── 02. The sh sound practice.mp4 │ ├── 03. S and sh minimal paris practice.mp4 │ └── 04. S and sh quiz video.mp4 ├── 08. Consonant sound ch │ ├── 01. The ch sound practice.mp4 │ ├── 02. Ch and sh minimal pairs practice.mp4 │ └── 03. Ch and sh quiz video.mp4 ├── 09. Consonant sound th voiced th and unvoiced th │ ├── 01. The voiced th sound practice.mp4 │ ├── 02. The unvoiced th sound practice.mp4 │ ├── 03. Th and s minimal pairs practice.mp4 │ └── 04. Th and s quiz video.mp4 └── 10. Closing lecture └── 01. End of course message.mp4
Size: 523 MB