مشغل أفلام سهل الاستخدام وقوي. يمكنك اختيار QuickTime أو FFmpeg والعديد من الميزات المفيدة للاستمتاع بالأفلام، وترجمات عالية الجودة ، وواجهة مستخدم مريحة وجميلة.
Movist 2.0.5 MacOsX
Movist is an easy-to-use and powerful movie player. You can choose QuickTime or FFmpeg as decoder for each video codec and reopen with other decoder instantly. Movist supports many useful features to enjoy movies including H.264 video decode acceleration, digital audio out (S/PDIF), high quality subtitles, convenient & beautiful user interface and so on.
Movist 2.0.5 MacOsX
Movist is an easy-to-use and powerful movie player. You can choose QuickTime or FFmpeg as decoder for each video codec and reopen with other decoder instantly. Movist supports many useful features to enjoy movies including H.264 video decode acceleration, digital audio out (S/PDIF), high quality subtitles, convenient & beautiful user interface and so on.