Soft Kitbash Set vol.1
مجموعة مكونة من أكثر من 100 قطعة من الطوابق ، الحشو ، الحوائط ، الأنابيب (جميع المكتبات مجتمعة) جاهزة للاستخدام لإضافات بولي عالية إلى النماذج / المفاهيم.

This is a 100+ piece set of Floors, Fillers, Walls, and Tubes (all libraries combined) ready to be used for high poly additions to your models/concepts.
- I've included "master" Max 2014 files that contain all the objects. All meshes are named appropriately with basic material.
- obj’s were exported with no smoothing applied so they can be imported into maya, zbrush, etc. easily. (please note that I have only tested the obj's in zbrush and maya, so some adjustments to the obj's might be needed based on what package is being used)
- paste the .ZBP files into your startup/brush presets folder, start Zbrush and enjoy!
- Soft Kitbash.ZTL - Splitted to subtools with different polygroups. Ready for zbrush=)
- 20 minutes of time lapse. Kitbash_tutorial.mp4 and Kitbash_process.mp4 I'll show you my process of creating these models.
- 70+ height/alpha maps, all 2048x2048 16bit in tiff as well as jpeg.
مجموعة مكونة من أكثر من 100 قطعة من الطوابق ، الحشو ، الحوائط ، الأنابيب (جميع المكتبات مجتمعة) جاهزة للاستخدام لإضافات بولي عالية إلى النماذج / المفاهيم.

This is a 100+ piece set of Floors, Fillers, Walls, and Tubes (all libraries combined) ready to be used for high poly additions to your models/concepts.
- I've included "master" Max 2014 files that contain all the objects. All meshes are named appropriately with basic material.
- obj’s were exported with no smoothing applied so they can be imported into maya, zbrush, etc. easily. (please note that I have only tested the obj's in zbrush and maya, so some adjustments to the obj's might be needed based on what package is being used)
- paste the .ZBP files into your startup/brush presets folder, start Zbrush and enjoy!
- Soft Kitbash.ZTL - Splitted to subtools with different polygroups. Ready for zbrush=)
- 20 minutes of time lapse. Kitbash_tutorial.mp4 and Kitbash_process.mp4 I'll show you my process of creating these models.
- 70+ height/alpha maps, all 2048x2048 16bit in tiff as well as jpeg.