Autodesk Revit Architecture 2018 : Praxiseinstieg
Architekturkonstruktionen vom Grundriss bis zum 3D-Modell und Plot Praxisnahes Beispiel eines Einfamilienhauses vom Keller bis zum Dach Funktionen für Konstruktion und Bearbeitung sowie grafische Darstellung der wichtigsten Architekturelemente anhand von Beispielen Dieses Grundlagen- und Lehrbuch zeigt Ihnen anhand einer vollständigen Beispielkonstruktion sowie einzelner Demonstrationsbeispiele die typischen Befehle der Architektursoftware Revit 2018. Das Buch richtet sich insbesondere an Revit-Neulinge, die einen gründlichen praxisnahen Einstieg suchen.

With Revit, it is particularly important to get to know the various command options and control elements through examples, because when using them, the element properties and type specifications as well as the settings of the options bar and the input prompts must be observed, and thus above all require a lot of practical training. With the book and a 30-day Revit trial from the Autodesk home page, you can get started right away and be ready to create your first floor plans and houses in no time. The most important procedures are explained and practiced both with a complete project example and with many individual detailed examples. At the end of each chapter you will find test questions with the corresponding solutions in the appendix. In addition to the traditional construction method for individual floors with walls, doors, windows, ceilings, stairs and roofs, the conceptual design based on the external shape is presented. Finally, an example introduces the family editor, which allows you to create your own architecture components. Finally, the procedure for building technology is shown using an example from the sanitary area.
by Detlef Ridder
German | 2017 | ISBN: 3958455298 | 405 Pages | PDF | 20 MB
Architekturkonstruktionen vom Grundriss bis zum 3D-Modell und Plot Praxisnahes Beispiel eines Einfamilienhauses vom Keller bis zum Dach Funktionen für Konstruktion und Bearbeitung sowie grafische Darstellung der wichtigsten Architekturelemente anhand von Beispielen Dieses Grundlagen- und Lehrbuch zeigt Ihnen anhand einer vollständigen Beispielkonstruktion sowie einzelner Demonstrationsbeispiele die typischen Befehle der Architektursoftware Revit 2018. Das Buch richtet sich insbesondere an Revit-Neulinge, die einen gründlichen praxisnahen Einstieg suchen.

With Revit, it is particularly important to get to know the various command options and control elements through examples, because when using them, the element properties and type specifications as well as the settings of the options bar and the input prompts must be observed, and thus above all require a lot of practical training. With the book and a 30-day Revit trial from the Autodesk home page, you can get started right away and be ready to create your first floor plans and houses in no time. The most important procedures are explained and practiced both with a complete project example and with many individual detailed examples. At the end of each chapter you will find test questions with the corresponding solutions in the appendix. In addition to the traditional construction method for individual floors with walls, doors, windows, ceilings, stairs and roofs, the conceptual design based on the external shape is presented. Finally, an example introduces the family editor, which allows you to create your own architecture components. Finally, the procedure for building technology is shown using an example from the sanitary area.
by Detlef Ridder
German | 2017 | ISBN: 3958455298 | 405 Pages | PDF | 20 MB