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Alien Skin Eye Candy 6.0 Win
هذه نسخة الويندوز
ويوجد بهذا الإصدار اضافات رائعة
طبعا كما تعرفون البرنامج يعمل مع العملاق الفوتوشوب
Alien Skin Eye Candy 6 Win,
Eye Candy 6 is a set of 30 Photoshop filters that elegantly handle a wide range of design tasks, from slick Web interfaces to tasteful logos to spectacular titles. Realistic simulation of natural phenomena gives beautifully detailed results.
Eye Candy’s simple interface makes it easy, saving you loads of time in Photoshop. Effects now adapt to your current image size, making for less slider adjusting. Over 1500 carefully designed presets are organized into categories for quick browsing.
Eye Candy is made for demanding production environments with features like CMYK mode, multi-core CPU acceleration, 64-bit Photoshop support, and two custom panels for Photoshop CS4 or later. Non-destructive editing is achieved through Photoshop Smart Filters or drawing the effect on a new layer.