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فلتر لعمل اشكال ثلاثيه الابعاد
حمل الملف وبعد فك الضغط انسخه الى pluginz
ATX / Craquelure 3D / Emblazer / Face Control / Fine Touch / Fractalius / iEmboss
Jama2000 / Jama 3D / Lattice Composer / LatticeXP / Perfectum / Plasteroid / Redfield ++
RipplesMagic / Seamless Workshop / Sharpinion HD / SketchMaster / Texturation 3D / Umatrix
ATX / Craquelure 3D / Emblazer / Face Control / Fine Touch / Fractalius / iEmboss
Jama2000 / Jama 3D / Lattice Composer / LatticeXP / Perfectum / Plasteroid / Redfield ++
RipplesMagic / Seamless Workshop / Sharpinion HD / SketchMaster / Texturation 3D / Umatrix
Umatrix Plugin - Synthesizer of Geometric Abstractions. A multifunctional tool for manipulation of shapes and colors. You can create a complete 3D artwork with one mouse click. The plug-in comes with a collection of objects

