Reinforced Concrete Design Theory and Examples third edition

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  • Saadedin
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    • Sep 2018 
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    Reinforced Concrete Design Theory and Examples third edition

    The third edition of the book has been written to conform to BS 8110 1997 the code for
    structural use of concrete and BS 800711987 the code for Design of structures for retaining
    aqueous liquids. The aim remains as stated in the first edition: to set out design theory
    and illustrate the practical applications of code rules by the inclusion of as many useful
    examples as possible. The book is written primarily for students on civil engineering
    degree courses to assist them to understand the principles of element design and the procedures for the design of
    concrete buildings. The book will also be of assistance to new
    graduates starting on their career in structural design.
    The book has been thoroughly revised to conform to the updated code rules. Many new examples and sections have
    been added. ln particular the chapter on Slabs has been considerably expanded with extensive coverage of Yield line
    analysis, Hillerborg's strip
    method and design for predetermined stress fields. ln addition, four new chapters have
    been added to reflect the contents of university courses in design in structural concrete.
    The new chapters are concerned with design of prestressed concrete structures, design of
    water tanks, a short chapter comparing the important clauses of Eurocode 2 and finally a
    chapter on the fundamental theoretical aspects of design of statically indeterminate structures,
    an area that is very poorly treated in most text books.


