مترجم متعدد اللغات سهل الاستخدام ويترجم بين 91 لغة ويمكن ترجمة صفحات الانترنت ورسائل البريد الالكتروني والمستندات بحسب الشركة طبعا
Ace Translator 16 + Key

[i]Ace Translator 16 employs the power of Internet machine language translation engines, and enables you to easily translate Web contents, letters, chat, and emails between major International languages.The new version supports 91 languages, and with text-to-speech support for 90 languages, which makes it an ideal language learning app as well.
PHP Code:
1: It has a Simple interface and easy to use.
2: The new version supports 91 languages.
3: Supported various Formats & File so you can easily do your job
4: It added Text-to-speech capabilities In This version
5: Supports almost all versions of Windows 8, 8.1 and Win 10
السريال مرفق مع البرنامج
وهذه نتيجة الفحص
Detection ratio: 3 / 55