GridGuide 1.1 Plugin for After Effects
Automatic layouts, snappable guides grids and modifiable shape layer guides - because motion design isn't static.

Key Features:
Auto Layout improves your designs – also for people with no design background. Just place your layers roughly where they should be, select them, and click the Auto Grid & Snap button. GridGuide applies fundamental design rules to improve the placement and size of your layers and determines the grid that fits best to your content.
Automatic layouts, snappable guides grids and modifiable shape layer guides - because motion design isn't static.

Key Features:
Auto Layout improves your designs – also for people with no design background. Just place your layers roughly where they should be, select them, and click the Auto Grid & Snap button. GridGuide applies fundamental design rules to improve the placement and size of your layers and determines the grid that fits best to your content.