Steel Detailers' Manual Third Edition
Structural steel has distinct capabilities compared with other construction materials such as reinforced concrete,
prestressed concrete, timber and brickwork. ln most structures it is used in combination with other materials, the
attributes of each combining to form the whole. For example, a factory building will usually be steel framed with
foundations, ground and suspended floors of reinforced concrete. Wall cladding might be of brickwork with the roof
clad with profiled steel sheeting. Stability of the whole building usually relies upon the steel frame,
sometimes aided by inherent stiffness of floors and cladding, The structural design and detailing of the building must
consider this carefully and take into account intended sequences of construction and erection,
Steel is the most versatile of the traditional construction materials and the most reliable in terms of consistent quality
By its very nature it is also the strongest and may be used to span long distances with a relatively low self weight.
Using modern techniques for corrosion protection the use of steel provides structures having a long reliable life, and
allied with use of fewer internal columns achieves flexibility for future occupancies_ Eventually when the useful life of
the structure is over, the steelwork may be dismantled and realise a significant residual value not
achieved with alternative materials. There are also many cases where steel frames have been used again, re-erected

Structural steel has distinct capabilities compared with other construction materials such as reinforced concrete,
prestressed concrete, timber and brickwork. ln most structures it is used in combination with other materials, the
attributes of each combining to form the whole. For example, a factory building will usually be steel framed with
foundations, ground and suspended floors of reinforced concrete. Wall cladding might be of brickwork with the roof
clad with profiled steel sheeting. Stability of the whole building usually relies upon the steel frame,
sometimes aided by inherent stiffness of floors and cladding, The structural design and detailing of the building must
consider this carefully and take into account intended sequences of construction and erection,
Steel is the most versatile of the traditional construction materials and the most reliable in terms of consistent quality
By its very nature it is also the strongest and may be used to span long distances with a relatively low self weight.
Using modern techniques for corrosion protection the use of steel provides structures having a long reliable life, and
allied with use of fewer internal columns achieves flexibility for future occupancies_ Eventually when the useful life of
the structure is over, the steelwork may be dismantled and realise a significant residual value not
achieved with alternative materials. There are also many cases where steel frames have been used again, re-erected
