Bridge Desk Analysis-Eugene 0'brien
The held of Bridge Deck behaviour and analysis Bridge Deck A/ia/ys/s is an essential reference for civil and structural
lt provides bridge designers with the knowledge to understand the behaviour of bridge decks, to be familiar with, and to
understand the various numerical modelling techniques, to know which technique is most suited.
The book covers the grillage analogy, dedicates a chapter to the modelling and analysis of integral bridge forms and
also provides guidance of the application of the finite element method.
The held of Bridge Deck behaviour and analysis Bridge Deck A/ia/ys/s is an essential reference for civil and structural
lt provides bridge designers with the knowledge to understand the behaviour of bridge decks, to be familiar with, and to
understand the various numerical modelling techniques, to know which technique is most suited.
The book covers the grillage analogy, dedicates a chapter to the modelling and analysis of integral bridge forms and
also provides guidance of the application of the finite element method.