Planning and Design of Airports Fifth Edition
The presence of civil aviation has affected our economic way oflife,
it has made changes in our social and cultural viewpoints, and has had a hand in shaping the course of political history
The sociological changes brought about by air transportation are
perhaps as important as those it has brought about in the economy.
People have been brought closer together and so have reached a better understanding of interregional
problemslndustry has found newways to do business.
The opportunity for more frequent exchanges ofinformation has been facilitated, and air transport is enabling more
people to enjoy the cultures and traditions of distant lands.

The presence of civil aviation has affected our economic way oflife,
it has made changes in our social and cultural viewpoints, and has had a hand in shaping the course of political history
The sociological changes brought about by air transportation are
perhaps as important as those it has brought about in the economy.
People have been brought closer together and so have reached a better understanding of interregional
problemslndustry has found newways to do business.
The opportunity for more frequent exchanges ofinformation has been facilitated, and air transport is enabling more
people to enjoy the cultures and traditions of distant lands.
