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9 results in 0.0025 seconds.
ITASCA 3DEC v5.20.277
ITASCA 3DEC v5.20.277
3DEC is a three-dimensional numerical modeling code for advanced geotechnical analysis of soil, rock, ground water, structural support, and masonry. 3DEC simulates the...
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ITASCA Flac2D v8.00.454
ITASCA Flac2D v8.00.454
FLAC, Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua, is numerical modeling software for advanced geotechnical analysis of soil, rock, groundwater, and ground support in two...
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ITASCA Flac3D v6.00.69
ITASCA Flac3D v6.00.69
FLAC3D (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in 3 Dimensions) is numerical modeling software for geotechnical analyses of soil, rock, groundwater, constructs, and ground...
ITASCA PFC Suite v6.00.13
ITASCA PFC Suite v6.00.13
PFC (Particle Flow Code) is a general purpose, distinct-element modeling (DEM) framework that is available as two- and three-dimensional programs (PFC2D...
Request Udec OR 3dec | ITASCA
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Request Itasca FLAC3D 6.00.65 x64
has anyone Itasca FLAC3D 6.00.65 x64 full, please?
Thanks in advance
Itasca FLAC / Slope 8.0.454 x64
Itasca FLAC / Slope 8.0.454 x64
Itasca FLAC is the name of software engineering and specialized in numerical modeling for advanced geotechnical analysis of soil, rock, groundwater and earth...
Itasca 3DEC v4.00 DP
Itasca 3DEC v4.00 DP
3DEC is a numerical modeling code for advanced geotechnical analysis of soil, rock, and structural support in three dimensions. 3DEC simulates...